Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The monetory war...

Several books would have influenced my cognizance, but ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, has somehow pushed my instincts further. After having read nearly half of it, I strictly feel that it has a potential to go right into your brain and change your rationale about your lifestyle. Many of us at the stage of leaving college or even pursuing the graduation degree have a fear of being left out in the race of survival, because it’s the human tendency, which doesn’t allow him to consider himself the fittest, hence giving birth to the fear, I talked about. And most of the people of this clan usually have a desire, a greed, of earning more and more; which is why they hunt for a good job.
Despite of having a faint dream of being an entrepreneur, or being an artist, in short, choosing the road less travelled, one runs where he finds the herd running… behind money… behind a good job with a fat pay package… because that seems to be the last resort, especially if he is not from a financially super-stable family. Now, that’s pretty digestible. And everyone cannot become Sam Walton or Richard Branson, or for that matter, Vijay Malaya (the desi version).
Need of the hour is financial know-how. And the perfect medium is a school. Especially the schools of India need to teach the students some financial terms, which can help them comprehend financial articles easily and help them to build strategies. Though B-schools solve the purpose, but everyone can’t afford joining one. Until and unless one doesn’t know what to do with the money being earned, it cannot be invested judiciously; which is the major reason of the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. Maybe one fine day, we’ll be able to get rid of all our fears and desires, and instead make money work for us; hence investing and accounting for each penny, that has been earned, knowing its actual worth.

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