Monday, November 1, 2010

Being who you are!

Human Psychology is cyclical in nature. There are crests and there are troughs. There are times when one is jubilated and others when it feels like shit. Nothing new. But the whole story keeps revolving around one fact, which is that one can always realize the truth only by reaching the bottom, the trough.
Everyday you encounter hundreds of walking.. rather running souls, all wearing masks and all of them pretending. But thats the law of nature that vouches for the survival of the fittest. Hmm.. Huge Task.. Survival! As soon as you are born, you start learning. Learning the rules of survival, from the survivors, in their own ways. You grow up and look outside the window. You look at the beauty of the nature and admire it so badly that you just wanna be there in no time. What is that you seek? There is a confusion that clouds your mind. And out of the misty landscape of thoughts you choose to step out. Till then you are so beautiful, from the inside. So here's the first question for you. Is it you who is misguided to follow what you were taught?
You move on. And in the journey you meet the other actors in the theater. The theater where the curtain never falls, and there are no audiences, only the actors, all of them wearing masks. So you too wear one. Had everyone played the role one was supposed to, how beautiful would have the act been. But no, there are some who manipulate. Others follow. Guess who is the leader now? And guess what! The leaders start grabbing the territory. In the midst of all that is happening, you are confused as to understand who was supposed to do what and what is being done. Now what is evident to you is just the pretendence.
Everyone wants something. There are some wannabes who just want to be the center of attraction and will do shit at all times to surprise and the viewers would simply walk in the shit till the point, they are immersed in it. You are one of them. Every moment, you smell shit and you eat it. But you are so accustomed to live with he fear that you wont have the guts to stand out and say aloud, "This is the real me. This is the role I was assigned and this is what I will do, because I believe in my soul and I believe in myself." You might have to pass the toughest tests in life but believe me my friend, you won't feel the pride in being who you really are.

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